Director of Construction Administration

James Heustis (LEED) is a born and raised Louisville native. He received his degree in Construction Management from Western Kentucky University in 2008. From there James continued his education at Auburn University where he graduated in 2010 with his Masters in Design Build. He joined the DKN team in 2022 bringing with him 11 years of experience in commercial construction and 1 year in commercial design. James uses his expertise to operate as a translator between design and construction. To date his favorite project is the Norton Express (2021)because of the process of seeing an idea come to life for patients in 5 months. When it comes to his career goals, James wants “to be involved in a landmark Louisville project.” 

Question: If I won the lottery tomorrow, I’d ___________.
Answer: Build a custom, next zero, technology heavy house in the Pacific NW woods that would integrate into the environment and natural features.

Question: If I could invent a holiday, it would definitely involve ___________.
Answer: A good spicy chicken sandwich with pimento cheese or a Ruben/pastrami sandwich. Shout out to Royals & Goodbelly

Question: Cats or dogs?
Answer: Dogs

Question: What is the most inspiring part of your job?
Answer: Getting to spend time with the Director of Design

Question: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be ___________.
Answer: A superior ability to learn, i.e. the ability to instantly learn to play any instrument, or learn a language, etc.

Question: When I was 5, I was pretty sure I’d be __________ when I grew up.
Answer: in movies

Question: If you were a pasta shape, what shape would you be and why?
Answer: Ravioli because the possibilities are endless. Not sure how that relates to me

Question: If we held an office talent show, I’d wow everyone with my _______ talent.
Answer: Movie quoting