Director of Accounting

Jayla Elati, DKN’s Director of Accounting received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Sullivan University. She has been working in a finance related field since the day she graduated high school in 2006; half in banking and half in accounting. Jayla joined DKN in 2019, and she manages most things an architectural firm needs to function successfully from and accounting and office management perspective. Her current passion at work is strategizing and developing new standards and processes to ensure we are maximizing productivity and profitability by increasing accuracy and efficiency.

When she’s not counting money, Jayla is an elite athlete whose achievements include a personal record of running 50 miles in 8.25 hours. She has climbed thirteen 14,000 ft peaks in Colorado and plans to continue as long as her body allows. Her other interests include Teslas, plants, running at sunrise and
 being a homebody.

Question: What’s your favorite word in the English language?
Answer: Equanimity (n.): mental calmness, composure and evenness of temper, especially in difficult times.